biomedicina slovenica


  1. Skomina Zala; Verdenik Miha; Ihan Hren Nataša
    Effect of aging and body characteristics on facial sexual dimorphism in the Caucasian population
  2. Krneta Bojana; Ovsenik Maja; Zhurov Alexei; Richmond Stephen; Ihan Hren Nataša
    Three - dimensional evaluation of facial asymmetry in an adult female orthognathic patient
  3. Vezzetti Enrico; Speranza Domenico; Marcolin Federica; Fracastoro Giulia
    Diagnosing cleft lip pathology in 3D ultrasound
  4. Rajković Vinka; Primožič Jasmina; Richmond Stephen; Farčnik Franc; Ovsenik Maja
    Unilateral posterior crossbite - a three - dimensional evaluation of early treatment
  5. Primožič Jasmina; Rajković Vinka; Richmond Stephen; Zhurov Alexei; Ovsenik Maja
    Facial asymmetry in unilateral posterior crossbite after palatal expansion in the primary and early mixed dentition phases - is t here a difference?
  6. Juš Arnež; Ovsenik Maja; Primožič Jasmina
    Ugotavljanje obrazne asimetrije pri otrocih z enostranskim funkcionalnim križnim grizem v različnih razvojnih obdobjih zobovja
  7. Ovsenik Maja; Primožič Jasmina
    Repousser les limites de la dimension transversale. Asymétrie faciale, volume du palais et posture linguale chez les enfants ayant une occlusion croisée unilatérale postérieure
    [How to push the limits in the transverse dimension? Facial asymmetry, palatal volume and tongue posture in children with unilateral posterior cross bite]
  8. Iskra Lovro; Koželj Vesna
    Pozni rezultati konservativnega zdravljenja po zlomu sklepnega odrastka mandibule pri otrocih, starih do 12 let
    [Long-term outcome of non-surgical treatment of mandibular condyle fractures in children under 12 years of age]
  9. Primožič Jasmina; Perinetti Giuseppe; Zhurov Alexei; Richmond Stephen; Ovsenik Maja
    Three-dimensional evaluation of facial asymmetry in subjects with a unilateral functional crossbite in the primary, early and late mixed dentitions
  10. Juš Arnež; Primožič Jasmina; Ovsenik Maja
    Ugotavljanje obrazne asimetrije pri otrocih z enostranskim funkcionalnim križnim grizom v zgodnjem in poznem menjalnem zobovju
    [Assessment of facial asymmetry in children with unilateral functional crossbite in the early and late mixed dentition phases]
  11. Ovsenik Maja; Perinetti Giuseppe; Zhurov Alexei; Richmond Stephen; Primožič Jasmina
    Three-dimensional assessment of facial asymmetry among pre-pubertal class III subjects
  12. Primožič Jasmina; Perinetti Giuseppe; Richmond Stephen; Ovsenik Maja
    Three-dimensional evaluation of facial asymmetry in association with unilateral functional crossbite in the primary, early, and late mixed dentition phases
  13. Primožič J; Richmond S; Zhurov A; Ovsenik M
    Assessment of facial asymmetry in growing subjects with a three-dimensional laser scanning system
  14. Primožič J; Perinetti G; Zhurov A; Richmond S; Ovsenik M
    Assessment of facial asymmetry in growing subjects with a three-dimensional laser scanning system
  15. Primožič J; Ovsenik M
    Obrazna asimetrija in njeno razpoznavanje s trirazsežnim laserskim slikovnim sistemom
    [Assessment of facial asymmetry with a three-dimensional laser scanning system]
  16. Primožič Jasmina
    Ovrednotenje obravnave otrok z enostranskim funkcionalnim križnim grizom v obdobju mlečnega zobovja s tridimenzionalnim slikovnim sistemom
  17. Božnik Vesna
    Razpoznava in obravnava zobnih in čeljustnih nepravilnosti
  18. Ihan-Hren N
    Surgical correstion of severe facial asymmetry with distraction osteogenesis
  19. Primožič Jasmina; Richmond Stephen; Kau Chung How; Zhurov Alexei; Ovsenik Maja
    Three-dimensional evaluation of early crossbite correction: a longitudinal study
  20. Primožič Jasmina; Ovsenik Maja; Richmond Stephen; Kau Chung How; Zhurov Alexei
    Early crossbite correction: a three-dimensional evaluation
  21. Krišelj A; Ihan-Hren N; Ovsenik M
    Orthognathic Treatment of Severe Facial Asymmetry - A case Report
  22. Pavlovič R; Božič M; Ihan-Hren N; Richmond S; Ovsenik M
    Soft Tissue Changes After Orthognathic Surgery of Severe Facial Asymmetry: A Three-Dimensional Evaluation
  23. Udovič Marjana; Ovsenik Maja
    Tridimenzionalna študija obraza pri slovenskih mladostnikih
    [Three-dimensional facial morphology for Slovenian youth]
  24. Štolfa Marko; Ovsenik Maja; Ihan-Hren Nataša
    Kombinirano ortodontsko-kirurško zdravljenje asimetrije obraza
  25. Kuliš M
    Pomen protetične ravnine za estetiko interkaninega področja
    [The role of the prosthetic plane in aesthetic reconstruction of the intercanine segment]
  26. Robida Andrej; Prodan Marjan
    Zaostajanje ustnega kota ob joku znak možnih hujših prirojenih anomalij
    [Asymmetric crying facies - a sign of possible major congenital anomalies]

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